The Easy Way To Awesome Beer

'Beer Recipe Design Made Easy!'

Upgrade To The Unlimited Edition Today

Your donation will help pay some of the costs associated with maintaining this web site. Becoming a supporter is also a great way to ensure the continued development and support of ezRecipe Design for Microsoft Excel.

Use ezRecipe Design in trial mode for 90 days, and see how intuitive all its new features are. While in trial mode, you can save and edit up to ten recipes. And for a one-time donation of $9.95 or more, you can unlock your current trial to Unlimited mode to save up to five hundred recipes for as long as you like.

Supporters receive a license key used to upgrade their current 90-day trial version of ezRecipe Design to a full-featured Unlimited Edition and personalized with the name of their choice. The Unlimited Edition includes access to technical support by email, requests for new feature development, and enhancements in future releases.


Coming in Spring 2023 ezRecipe Design 4.04.00 - Windows
Newest Build For 2023

* Requires Excel 2010 or higher (32 Bit) and Windows 10 or higher *


* Download ezRecipe Design 3.03.10 - Windows
Latest build date March 21, 2022

* Requires Excel 2010 or higher (32 Bit) and Windows 8 or higher *


** Download ezRecipe Design for Excel - Mac OS
Latest build date June 25, 2019

** Requires Excel 2010 or higher and Mac OS with 2GB memory. **

Current Version: 3.03.10 - Build Date: March 21, 2022

NEW! Inventory tracking reminders when adding ingredients
NEW! Excel Add-in design delivers increased performance
NEW! Automatic grain-based mineral, acid and mash pH calculations
NEW! Mash, lauter, conversion, and brewhouse efficiency reporting
NEW! Show/Hide toggle for pop-up tips and comments
NEW! Extensive and newly expandable ingredient lists
NEW! Inventory tracking of ingredients
NEW! Five proven recipes to get you started
ENHANCED! One-click conversion between metric and standard units
ENHANCED! Typeahead search and sort of ingredient lists